It Will Happen


It Will Happen

That one moment "that" missed judgment, is what it took to change everything which came about because of it.

One will never "know" or even understand the implications of one’s own action it is said; till the outcome or event comes to


Do you know that even this post that you are reading, has taken up some of your time from the universe, and delayed an action which you might have been thinking of undertaking, and which in turn would precede another action and so on?

Not that you might have lost time, but possibly might have delayed your time to a favorable condition.

So here are the dynamics. "Let it go if things don't work out according to you. The universe knows best".

Much love

Blessings be


The Nature of the Quest


The Nature of the Quest

"Bring me the thirst; take away the water! Give to me lit coal so i can set my foot on it! I fear not the pain & suffering of bodily nature, for I give not heed to my limited knowledge".

I speak to you, oh great consciousness. Call it a prayer from my soul if you must. I have surrendered my will on to you, for in my heart I have felt your presence!

I therefore request oh great Divine, Help me keep my sprit heart open! Help me awaken the spiritual love to do so! I shall be by your side and channel your divinity through eternity.

Signed - A true Seeker.


The Wonder of NOW


The Wonder of NOW

Your inability to recognize the illusion of time is commonly referred as "boredom". Beware of it, for in its

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garb is actually the gratification of your senses hidden!

Each of your senses has twin abilities: that of gratification and the other of "wonder and awe".

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source at some point just for this eternal moment called "NOW".

Becoming aware of this "Now" via your senses will spark wonder and awe in all His creation.

"God is everywhere; even in your breath!”

Much love

Blessings be


I Love You


I Love You

If I were "only" the ocean I would command the tides in your favour.

If I were "only" the wind I would sculpt the mountain ranges in your image.

If I were "only" the fire I would burn the ultimate desire of love in your heart.

If I were "only" the earth you stood on I would record your every gracious footprint.

But I chose to embody you too, so I can see what you see, to feel what you feel; experience what you experience.

I am in you as much as you are in me. So don't question my love for you. As your existence, it is in itself the mark of my love for you.



The Unblocking of God Energy


The Unblocking of God Energy

The kindest of them all, the one with benevolence in every action, purity in his heart and love in each gaze he sets upon the creatures of this living planet, needs nothing

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to prove his connection with the Almighty.

The Almighty has already taken over his being and is provoking his each thought to manifest in the upliftment of his fellow beings.

The supreme energy is that which flows in each and every living creature and gives it "Life"; and can only be dimmed by the mentality one possesses!

So work towards kindness in your actions; in your words and in your approach to others, for it might just unlock a vision you have never experienced yet – that of the Supreme Being channelizing his power through you!

Much love

Blessings be